"There was nowhere to go but everywhere, so just keep on rolling under the stars."
Jack Kerouac

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Dirty Pretty Thing// Erin Wasson

For me, Erin Wasson is the ultimate embodiment of the nomadic Summer 2011 trend directions forming my dream summer wardrobe. Her effortless cool and grunge influenced glamour combine to create a look and an identity that evokes sun drenched desert landscapes, road trips and free hippy spirit with a hard edge - a true wayfarer. For summer I'll be following her lead with heavy silver and turquoise rings, braids and loose waves, frayed dirty denim, cowboy boots, studs, sequins and tie dye.

Friday, 24 June 2011

June Inspiration

(Images from killing moon, cook republic, ambers notebook, daydream lily, sequin magazine, our dream lives)

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Ring the Changes

Admittedly I have been slack with the blogging over the past couple of weeks, but things have taken off in a rather hectic way and I have been moving house to be fair. Decoration of my new attic room (with skylight - too exciting) is underway, photos will be shared in due course but for now here's a couple from the last few days - Graduation Ball, a walk in the sculpture park on Fathers Day and magical new Cinderella shoes.

Friday, 10 June 2011

The End of the Beginning

Currently I am in something of a limbo existence, being in the disagreeable position of having finished uni but not yet having anything else to particularly occupy my time. This was fun for about a week but is now becoming slightly unsettling as I slide into a routine of sleeping in, mooching about taking photos of random objects, consuming a frankly unhealthy amount of fashion magazines and searching the internet for graduate jobs that involve being paid lots of money to do something vaguely interesting, which appear not to exist. This particular afternoon I spent mooching around my graduation show, so thought I'd share some pictures with you of my final year work and my dissertation, which represent the fruit of many, many hours of labour and remind me that I can be quite productive when I want to be.